Once the steps in this article have been completed, do the following.
Downloading prerequisites for Helpdesk Pilot 5.2.11
1. Login to the Helpdesk Pilot VM as superuser (password: superuser)
2. Type cd /tmp and press enter
3. Type wget http://helpdeskpilot.net/downloads/prerequisites/prepare_for_ubuntu12.sh
4. Type sudo sh prepare_for_ubuntu12.sh (type the password : superuser if prompted)
Once this has been completed, you can do the usual steps to check for updates and applying them.
sudo hdp-manage updates check (to check for any new updates)
sudo hdp-manage updates apply (to download and apply the updates)
Changes needed in Apache configuration for attachments to work in Helpdesk Pilot
With the new version of Ubuntu, Apache has also been upgraded and the FcgidMaxrequestLen directive needs to be included specifically in the hdp configuration file to support attaching files via ticket updates. To do this,
- Logged in as superuser, type cd /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
- Type sudo nano instance-hdp
- Go to the end of the file using the arrow keys and add the following before the last line (before </Virtualhost>)
FcgidMaxRequestLen 10000000 - Once this is added, press Ctrl+x followed by Y and press Enter to save the file.
- Now reload apache with this command - sudo service apache2 reload
Once this is done, attachments will work fine on Helpdesk Pilot.