Nov 12, 2013
Setting Proxy on HDP Virtual Machine (VM)
In the event that your network requires a proxy server to be set up for connection to the internet, the same needs to be set up in the Helpdesk Pilot VM too. Without this, the initialization or upgrades for Helpdesk Pilot will not work.
To do this,
- In the Helpdesk Pilot VM console, login as superuser
- Type nano ~/.profile
- Add this line to the bottom of the file export http_proxy=http://domain\username:password@IP:port, with the correct values for domain, username, password and port, as per your network settings. Note: You might have to escape characters like ' or \ by adding another backslash before it.
- We recommend you add this line too, for https_proxy - export https_proxy=$http_proxy
- Once this is done, save the file by pressing Ctrl+x followed by 'y' and 'Enter'
- The same needs to be done for the .profle file for hdp user too. You can do this by logging in as 'hdp' user in step 1 and following the same steps then
- Type Ctrl+d to quit the session
Testing the proxy settings
- Login to the VM as superuser
- Type wget If the proxy settings are correct, this command should download a file called index.html and save it in the current location
- If not, please verify the details you have given in the http_proxy command above