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Home > How Tos > Setting up a cron for backup
Setting up a cron for backup
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To set up a cron for the inbuilt hdp-manage to perform backups, follow these steps:


  1. Login as superuser (password: superuser)
  2. Type sudo -s
  3. Enter the password from step 1 again
  4. Type crontab -e
  5. Below the line that is already present add the line for the backup command, at the required interval, like

      # m h dom mon dow command

      0 9 * * * sudo hdp-manage backup create

      (for the backup to be run at 9 AM everyday)


This will ensure that the backup is taken and stored in the /hdp/backups folder. 


You can then follow the instructions here to store the backup in an external location on your network

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