Dec 02, 2013
In the event of a 500 error message on the deployed Helpdesk Pilot installation, the following can be done to see the complete error message.
- Login to the Helpdesk Pilot VM as superuser (password: superuser)
- Type sudo nano /hdp/etc/
- Now add this line at the end of the file
export HDP_DEBUG_MODE=1 - Type Ctrl+x followed by 'y' to save the file
- Now, restart the service again by typing
sudo hdp-manage service restart - Perform the same action on the browser which results in showing the 500 error page. As in, if you were loading the /staff/tickets page when you saw this error, do the same.
- Now with DEBUG_MODE enabled you should see a complete error message on the page, rather than the one you currently see
- Please save this as a HTML file from the browser and send it to us
We will be able to analyse what the problem is and get back to you with a suitable reply.
Sample of modified file, with DEBUG_MODE enabled,